11 Astonishing Facts & Stats Indicating the Rise of Video Marketing During the Pandemic

Reading Time: 8 minutes
The pandemic has posed enormous challenges for businesses to sustain and grow in a highly competitive landscape. Ever since the tumult started, more and more consumers switched to the digital platform for all their needs – routine and complex, and so did the brand marketers, stiffening the competition further. Certainly, there ought to be really smart means of marketing that make a difference for them. In a quest of finding innovative and more engaging ways of presenting the brands, marketers are struggling hard to make the brands standout among the crowd of their competitors, only to resort to – Video Marketing.

Rise of Video Marketing During Pandemic

Rise of Video Marketing During Pandemic

Video marketing has become not only an essential part of digital marketing strategies, but has also been a source for the users to understand the brand better. Videos educate, entertain, socialize, and help the brands to spread the brand message. Video marketing, off late, has gained tremendous attention and now as the pandemic took over the entire world, disrupting the entire scenario in the business market, it is grabbing a wider base.

That’s the reason that 31% of businesses have already announced that they will be investing more in online video marketing, while 31% businesses will carry on with their current budget. A majority of businesses are increasingly investing in video technology that is breaking the physical barriers for them to market their product or service offerings successfully to their wider audience. Apart from learning through the videos about how to bake a cake or blend a mochaccino perfectly like their favorite café, to tips for reducing stress, staying in pace in studies, and staying fit, the viewers are also going through the product description or review videos to make online purchases.

So, let’s ferret in some really stupefying facts with stats about video marketing that are indicative of it going great guns in marketing industry.

Fact Stat #1: The video uploads have seen a stark increased by 120% since March 2020, ever since the pandemic gripped the entire world.

The video uploads

Source: Wistia

This clearly shows, how quickly have businesses adopted video marketing which has certainly been keeping them on the right level. Not only this, more and more videos are being watched, and that determines our next fact stat!

Fact Stat #2: 80% of consumers started viewing digital content with the COVID outbreak, be it for latest updates, entertainment, or for making purchases.

80% of consumers

Being mandated to stay at home, with restricted outings, the consumers started leaning on, and interacting more and more with the digital sources, rather than the face-to-face ones. Of the digital content, videos form the major share. With this rate, it is speculated that by 2022, more than 82% of the content will be comprised of videos.

As reported by Cisco, the video content will dominate on the digital platform, and therefore will become the most valuable source for marketing.

Fact Stat #3: Video content is shared 12 times more than the text and image based content.

Video content

The power of videos to influence is far more than the readable content, the fact became far clearer during the pandemic. Videos deliver the message instantly and more clearly owing to the fact that the viewer does not need to make any effort in grasping, contemplating and concluding about the information. In fact, the videos inscribe an ever-lasting impact on the viewer, convincing them to the extent that they not only absorb the message but also share it further, and that’s how the message goes viral.

Fact Stat #4: 80% of consumers watch complete videos that have captions with them.

80% of consumers

Videos are the most preferred marketing ads by the consumers. But often it happens that they feel reluctant to turn on or even increase the sound of the video. It is reported by Forbes, 85% of videos are watched on mute. Therefore, the videos that have captions get more advantage over those that don’t have them, and it certainly makes sense to include captions with the videos, especially the marketing videos.

Fact Stat #5: Out of 10 consumers, 6 and even more of them believe that they will be watching more YouTube videos.

Out of 10 consumers

The world already knows that YouTube holds the laurel of being the huge video platform that generates maximum engagement. The pandemic however, has led to a steep surge in the engagement, no matter for information, entertainment or for business marketing.

Fact Stat # 6: Video search results get 41% more clicks than the regular searches.

Video search results

Google also loves videos! That is the reason, it ranks genuine video content above the regular content comprising of blogs and articles. To market your brand or business, if you include videos in your campaigns, you will enjoy much higher rankings, reachability, and attention in the overcrowded digital platform.

Fact Stat #7: Product description videos lead to 144% higher purchases than the textual descriptions or ads.

Product description videos

The fact is sourced from Hubspot, according to which the interesting video content is powerful enough in keeping the consumers glued to the website. Sometimes, they even spend double the amount of time on videos. The video content significantly increases the website traffic, leading to increased sales.

Fact Stat #8: 75% of people reported to have preferred ads that are informative rather than marketing or promotional ones.

75% of people

In a survey, most of the people expressed that the pandemic time is a most critical time for the world, and so they don’t expect the marketers to exploit this situation in promoting their business for the sake of higher ROI. They should rather present more relevant information for the consumers that benefits them in some or the other way. Educating and informative content, especially the video content, is more than welcome in such a difficult situation, and then follow purchases automatically.

So, while marketing the brands, the marketers should make sure that they create marketing collaterals with an intent to just present the information, and educate the consumers, which will create their brand image and authority, and what can be better than the videos to educate the audience?

Informative videos can be most impactful for spreading brand awareness. They not only attract and engage the viewers, but also become the go-to source for them for tips, tricks and tactics to make the life easier. Embedding the brand message without being ‘pushy’ in such videos can do wonders!

Fact Stat #9: 43% of consumers are finding the messages during the pandemic sounding too similar.

Though the messages from trusted brands are accepted, the consumers may find rest of the brand messages too unattractive or monotonous to take. Definitely, the brand marketers need to find innovative ways to attract and engage the audience effectively, and videos serve the purpose, quite well as they can be presented in infinite combinations of animations, images, fonts, colors, and lot more.

Fact Stat #10: 51% of marketing professionals across the world, consider videos to be the highest ROI generating content.

51% of marketing professionals

At this time of pandemic-led uncertainties, people needed more assurance, whether it was about the safety tips, or the products they had been buying. The flood of regular marketing ads rather irks them, leading to its abandonment. In such a scenario, video content is what they hold on to, watch, and end up to making the purchase, and that’s how it is today considered to be the highest revenue generating source for the marketers.

Fact Stat #11: Over 75% of videos are being watched on mobile phones, worldwide.

Over 75% of videos

According to Statista, the total number of mobile users is 6.95 billion, and it is predicted that the number is going to rise to whopping 7.1 billion by 2021. Definitely, most of the content is accessed through these smart hand-held devices. For an average mobile user, there is a lot to go through, on these devices, and therefore they prefer all the content that is readily available owing to their decreasing patience levels.

In a recent study conducted by Deloitte, it is found that 75% of videos are watched on smartphones. The easily accessible videos attract them the most as they describe the concepts in interesting ways, and deliver the right message within short span of time.

Want to boost your brand name with impressive videos? We provide premium explainer video services!

Final Notes…

So, video marketing is soon going to be the most promising asset and technique for digital marketers in near future. The digital marketing team at Tarika Tech employs this technique as an integral part of marketing strategies, for which exceptional videos are created for generating long-lasting impact on the audience.

Know more about our digital marketing services.

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