8 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Boosting Sales

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Today, what all is omnipresent is – Technology, in some or the other form. One of its components is Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has become the most important part of every aspect of our lives. Whether it is about searching for something online, or seeking navigation while on road, the role of AI is everywhere. Even staying unaware, we are benefitted by AI, being assisted by it in several ways. Of course, AI has optimized businesses operations and has made them not only more efficient and productive, but also capable enough of making more sales.

AI works on real-time data received as response from chatbots, wherever they are integrated and so makes frees up other manual resources for other critical tasks. The reason behind why has AI these days, been playing a pioneering role in sale also is, it is extremely accurate and operates on the basis of previous data and its patterns. It studies these patterns and accordingly determines the future courses of action and probabilities.

It optimizes the processes and shifts them from their regular base to a more predictive base. It runs through a huge amount of historical data, learns the patterns that develop. To able to learn a particular pattern, it combs through the enormous data again and again – a task that cannot be done just with human intervention.

Such data patterns give a great insight in to how should the further course of action be. For example, you can easily determine, when should you be shooting the emails depending upon when are they opened the maximum during the day. AI studies the patterns and accordingly builds accurate models to be followed.

AI has revolutionized the entire sales industry with applications that help the sales teams pitch-in better.

Let’s dig in deep to find, in what ways is sales benefitting with AI.

Determining the Prospects

Determining the Prospects

The sales teams spend their enormous time on various social media and other platforms, staying on a lookout of their prospective customers. Well, AI provides them with tools that can fetch them all the information which is relevant enough to save their time from getting wasted unnecessarily searching.

Approach to Better Leads

Approach to Better Leads

Usually, the sales teams fail to identify the leads and waste their enormous time in running after the ones that are not relevant. With AI, they can understand the behavior of the users through emails, social media platforms and engagement on the websites, their characteristics, and can accordingly pitch-in to the ore relevant audience, for more probability of conversions.

No Data Redundancy

No Data Redundancy

No matter, how smart your system may be, duplication of data does happen. There may be many reasons to it like very little difference in the text size and font. The AI doesn’t let this happen as its programs catch such duplicate data. The sales team is intimated about it and the data is saved from getting duplicated.

Right Time for Right Action

Right Time for Right Action

AI lets the sales team to know about the right time for a particular action. Yes, this is extremely important, as it helps in increasing the respond rate. It’s always better to take the action when it is required, or when the chances of receiving the response is high. On the basis of the engagement as recorded in the past, the AI model suggests the right time for the action, to the sales team. Not only this, the AI system can also come up with email response templates that can be used by the sales representatives.

Well Guided Recommendations

Well Guided Recommendations

Once the prospective customers are reached, it becomes very crucial to engage them, such that they get converted. To engage them well, you need all that is well defined and presented, so that your offerings can be evaluated right. The AI-guided applications such as case studies, comparison charts and more, based on the historical data, are recommended to the sales teams to engage the audience in a better way, that leads to increased success rate.

Right Price Determination

Right Price Determination

Setting up the pricing in a way that the prospective customer gets converted and even you are not at loss, requires smart analysis and expertise. The AI does that very well as it runs through all the previous data to understand the customer response to a particular price offering, and accordingly suggests the right pricing. So the sales team doesn’t have juggle up various price options to conclude the right one. This frees up the sales people from botheration pertaining to pricing, and therefore, speeds up the sales. The best part with right pricing is, that the time in negotiations is saved by a great deal.

Better Sales Forecasting

Better Sales Forecasting

It is extremely very important for a brand or company to consider sales forecast, without which it cannot be sure about its further plans. The more accurate the forecast, the better comes out its result. AI takes a real-time view into every deal and allows the sales people to know about the next course of action, and better performance.

Improved Personalization

Improved Personalization

Personalization is what drives attention, and engages these days. It ensures better experience and this is the reason, 71% of the marketers’ population considers AI to be critical for personalization. About 80% of marketers got chatbots to enhance customer experience, in 2020, according to a source.

AI in sales can solSales AI automation can solve both of these problems. It takes on repetitive tasks and improves business process efficiency. We have 50+ sales AI statistics to prove it.

Know about the Role of AI in Content Marketing.

AI for Sales

The AI automation in sales has led to a great impact in the outcomes, as the sales teams are saved from repetitive tasks and are able to spend time more efficiently without wasting any valuable resources. The data received is more accurate, and is used for predictive analysis which allows them to perform better, with increased revenue.

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