An Insight into Instagram Marketing for Businesses

Reading Time: 8 minutes

In recent years, Instagram has become a great way of marketing for businesses, big or small. With over one billion users, the popular social media platform carries higher probability of conversion. If you are running a business, now is the time for you to leverage this amazing marketing platform, for an impressive brand presence, increased user engagement and sales.

Instagram has evolved a lot in past few years and offers really great features that can be leveraged to market businesses. There is no need to get overwhelmed, Instagram marketing isn’t as rocket science and rather can be performed with great tips and tricks.

Basics that Form Base of Instagram Marketing

Basics that Form Base of Instagram Marketing

Let’s start with Profile creation. It’s quite easy to create profile on Instagram, but there is a difference between a personal profile and a business one.

Now the question arises, what differentiates a business account from personal?

Well, the difference between a business account and a personal account lies in the amount of benefits that the former enjoys.

For example, a business profile does have ‘contact’ button, call-to-action buttons, and it also provides access to Instagram insights. You can promote your posts and ads easily, unlike the way it’s done on Facebook page.

If you already have a personal account, you can switch it to business account by simply through ‘Settings.’ Once it is switched to the business account, you may even connect it with your Facebook page.

Considering Crucial Aspects of Instagram Business Page

Update Your Business Account

Update Your Business Account

Well, simply creating an Instagram business page isn’t enough. You need to revamp it according to the factors, your profile needs to focus on. You can do that by updating the account with a profile picture with your logo, company name, etc. The next thing to do is, update your Bio with a brief introduction of your business. You need to keep it short and crisp followed by the link to your website. So, those who are interested to know more about your business, can visit your website.

Get an Insight into the Insight

Get an Insight into the Insight

Instagram marketing isn’t simply about posting pictures and counting the ‘likes.’ You need to have an insight into the user engagements, so that you can update your profile accordingly. It will therefore, be great if you get a good idea about this tool and then start posting on your page, so that you can make use of this tool right from your very first post. You will be able to find all the relevant information pertaining to your reach, ‘likes,’ comments, and shares. Not only this, you would even see your user demographics, gender, age and location of your visitors.

Another very important aspect that you get to know about is, the time when your posts get maximum engagements. Yes, that’s when you should be posting.

Now the next question is, what kind of posts can be created for marketing on Instagram?

Types of Instagram Marketing Posts

Over the years, Instagram has transformed from just a simple photo-sharing app to something much bigger. Now, users can post such things as videos, stories, reels, and IGTV clips. Not only has this changed the way personal users engage with the app, but it has also allowed businesses to incorporate new and creative ways to showcase and sell their products. Here are the options available for you when it comes to Instagram posting:

High Quality Photos

High Quality Photos

Photos! Photos! Instagram is all about Photos!
To grab attention, try to post high definition photos, if you can’t then, make an ordinary a better one by applying Instagram filters. The picture quality can be improved instantly, though aa blurry and poor quality won’t be really able to make it to people’s attention.

Insta Stories

Insta Stories

These stories are a great example of ephemeral content that is meant to stay just for some time only, such as a new product in the market, some latest discount scheme, or any upcoming event. Stories are used even to present highlights of various happenings or convey any message. They diminish in 24 hours but stay in the minds for quite long.

With enormous filters, attractive features, and the visibility right on top, these Insta stories have gained immense popularity within a span of few months, so much that, today 500 million Instagram users create Stories in various innovative ways to interact.



Instagram Reels, serve as a great way to showcase your business, and are easily created too. Whether it is about posting DIYs, tips, hacks, features of your product, or a highlight about your service, you can make really nice Reels to engage your potential customers. It’s quite easy to create Reels. All you have to do is, simply press the video player button seen at the bottom of the page. Reels form content that stays permanent, unlike Stories.

Know about Brand Marketing with Instagram Reels.



Apart from Reels, you can even be visible on IGTV, by uploading videos that are longer than 60 seconds. As a business, you can create IGTV series showcasing various aspects of your business, your products and services, so that the visitors remember you and keep coming to your page for more. Certainly, the content has to be meaningful and engaging.

Aspects to Master for Instagram Marketing

Decentralized Storage of Data & Applications

So you can see, Instagram offers a variety of ways you can post your content with. But that is not all. These are just the basics. To master Instagram marketing, you need to master the art of using Hashtags.

Game of Hashtags

Game of Hashtags

Hashtags connect your post to all that is relevant for it. They widen the post’s visibility by taking it out of a particular page to other pages, where people having similar interest can also see it and engage. Of course, the usage of hashtags has to be correct or else they won’t serve the purpose.

Know about 9 Best Practices to Follow While Using Hashtags in 2020

Hashtags connect your post, hence your brand, to all that is in trend for that point of time. Like if you type ‘trading’ so anything that is in trend that time, about trading will show up as a part of options, such as – #tradingforex, #tradingtips, etc.

You may get into a dilemma about using the popular hashtags, so popular, that they must be in use by thousands and thousands of users in a moment. In such a case, there are chances that your post may get buried among thousands and never be able to get that attention. So, it is wiser to use the hashtags that are popular but not as much in use. That’s when the theme of the topic is considered.

Capacity of Captions

Cloud is Always Updated

Captions give meaning to you posts. They are another very significant part of an Instagram post and engage the user. They should be short, crisp, interesting, relevant and should present the real intent of the post. The longer caption may or may not be able to draw as much attention. While the shorter ones instantly grab attention.

Let’s Market Your Brand with Instagram!

Keeping in consideration, all these aspects, you can draw attention and engagements with numerous types of posts. The ones that get maximum attention are photo challenges, influencer’s posts, DIYs, and sponsored posts about products and services.

Apart from this, you can even share posts and stories about how your company works, the culture you work in, and the events you organize.

With right knowledge and a strong sense of out-of-the-box thinking, you can bring the best out of your brand, with Instagram marketing.

As a social media marketing agency, Tarika Tech can boost your brand with Instagram marketing and take your business to higher levels.

To know more, click here!

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