Enterprise Architecture – What Is It Capable of?
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a conceptual framework that narrates how the business should be contrived. EA identifies all the components of the business, the association between them that needs to be determined, so that the business model that is created, delivers the value to the business, it is supposed to.
The principles of EA may vary according to the organizational entity type, like a business, government body, an association, a public sector agency, a non-profit organization, or even an enterprise losing the ground, and looking to resolving its issues desperately. Well, the term Enterprise Architecture is meant for one and all. Different entities may have different understanding of scenarios in which they work. Whatever be the scenario, the environments in which these organizations operate, is certainly going Byzantine. To unwind these complexities, the EA has also been evolving and becoming the most sought-after solution for organizations, to combat the challenges, they encounter.
One climacteric objective of the EA is to simplify the complexity, and understand how business and technology work together. With the fast evolving business models and technology, the constant effort to establish alignment between the two, needs to be made in all the four domains of EA.
Let’s elaborate a bit more on these four domains – Business Architecture, Application Architecture, Data Architecture, and Technology Architecture.
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Business Architecture
Business Architecture is about ameliorating the way a business operates. It determines the important business processes that are identified and run by involving the suitable resources, capabilities, and information. Alongside, the architecture considers other aspects too, like the assigned roles and responsibilities, metrics on the basis of which the processes are assessed, products, projects, and lot more.
Modelling the business, using architecture helps in unravelling the facts about the role of Information Technology in optimizing the business functioning. Today, all the businesses use software, and the success of the businesses depends upon getting the right software to work, which is not trivial. What matters is, upgrading the software time to time with changing scenarios, and the ability of your software to adapt.
When did you last upgrade your software?
If you have a quick answer to this question, you have brought well up to the code. If that is not the case, then you should consider upgrading first, instead of adding new features, as the architecture remains debilitated. By adding to it, you keep exhausting the pulse and moolah for simply patching up for the rising shortfalls. Able to relate well to it? You’re not alone! In fact, this is the hornet’s nest for almost all legacy companies.
The business architecture addresses the full-cycle transformation needs of an organization, by aligning strategies, operations, and technology.
Application Architecture
Application Architecture defines the framework of software solutions that help businesses keep a tab on the workflow, automate key processes, and make sure, the operations are streamlined.
Applications work on the data, and their ability to adapt to change, also plays a key role in smooth functioning of the business.
Applications need data to work, and with time this data gets complex, with more information getting added to it. The information may quite be crucial like, relating to products and their prices, customers, their interactions with the company, their choices and preferences, and lot more. Definitely, the organization would want to manage all the relevant data that is already getting stored in disparate formats like spreadsheets, databases, emails, and other documents.
Data Architecture
Data Architecture models all the data following regulations that determine the data to be compiled and stored in a well-managed and integrated manner in data systems, so that it can be used for making informed strategic decisions.
With petabytes of complex data that the companies deal with these days, data architecture is certainly the desideratum.
Apart from different storage formats, data also requires compatible physical storage systems too.
Technology Architecture
Technology Architecture associates the application components with technological components that are aligned for seamless process through a sturdy framework.
Technology Adoption for Adaptation of the Inevitable Transitions
Enterprise Architecture provides a comprehensive view of all the four domains that involve technology implementations for businesses to support their operations and achieve their goals. So, that makes it quite evident that EA is not simply about Information Technology, but is also about catering to the goals and objectives of the business. Its right implementation ensures that the solutions that are developed are capable of adapting to the change, which is inevitable for any business, owing to the fact that the market, environment, and customers keep changing, time to time.
Interestingly, in a quest to simplify the complexities, the cloud vendors have been striving to provide these on cloud, provided they fit in to the legacy systems as well.
Well, that does not mean that the management needs of IT investments are met completely.
As predicted by Gartner, by 2022, 80% of successful organizations will be heavily relying upon Enterprise Architecture, to orchestrate digital business ecosystems.
Enterprise Architecture promises value to the businesses by determining how and where all these applications in data infrastructure will be managed.
Enterprise Architecture Solutions by Tarika Tech
Simplicity Delivered.
That’s the core objective we set as the major part of our goal, to transform businesses by devising innovative strategies, enable them to adapt to the rapidly changing market environment, and provide absolute understanding of their internal environments and capabilities.
We build Enterprise Architecture models that enable businesses to undergo transitions across the progressive levels, with technological intervention. These models assist in the alignment of business strategies and processes with the right technology solutions.
We work in following domains:
- Information Architecture
- Application Architecture
- Technical Architecture