8 Signs That Call for Redesigning Your Website

Reading Time: 8 minutes
While looking into the mirror, ever had your mind over getting you a makeover to enhance your looks for better? You bet, you must have, a good number of times, didn’t you? Well, brand websites are no different! To be able to perform and lead in the competition, it is important for businesses to consider their website overhauling, which aids in Rebranding!It is a blunt fact that a poor web design effects the sales. Gone are the days when people would relentlessly trust on your brand and buy from you only, as they had limited options; but today, no matter how great your products or services may be, if you are selling on the same old boring platform, people stop coming to you, and you start losing your grasp over the market. The crowd of other brands can easily replace yours. And by the time you realize this, you start losing the ground already. Scary, right!To prevent this situation, you need to figure out something much before, if your website needs remodelling. Simply jumping on the bandwagon may lead you into the mesh of ‘how tos’. A website redesign may sound simple, as one may feel, it is just about changing the existing style or presentation, while the concept stays the same. Is it? No!

Website redesigning may require lot of effort including remodelling of everything including concepts, ideation, services, and of course, theme and presentation. You may not realize if these factors are turning obsolete unless you dig deep into the data and stats that determine the performance of your website for your business. There may be numerous other factors responsible for the underperformance of your website like slow website speed, bad navigation and majorly, the broken links. You may or may not realize these issues, but don’t feel bad, that happens!

However, it may quite be frustrating for you to not be able to decide whether your website needs redesigning or not.

Following is a list of all the deciding factors considering which, you may quickly conclude on revamping your website.

#1 Website Looks Like from Horse & Buggy Era

The ever-evolving digital world carries along trends that come and go. It is pacing so fast that, anything that stays for a while, loses its dernier cri element. So, if you pick a trend at some point of time, it is not necessary to hold on to it as after a while it wears off. That appertains to a website too. The shifting of trends requires you to shift along, moving ahead towards new technologies that enable your website match with the ongoing time, tastes, choices, preferences and demands, to meet the current standards accordingly.

Know about, how to go trendy with Minimalism.

Even if your website was created two years ago, chances are, that its look, feel and functionality don’t fail to pace with the ongoing trend anymore. In fact, its code may get outdated leading to slower load time, which turns out to be the major cause of increasing bounce rate.

Does your website fall in such a category? If yes, then think about getting it redone!

#2 Low Website Speed

Do you know, about 40% of people leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Statistics have further revealed that 79% of web users who experience trouble with a site’s performance admit they are less likely to return to the site and around 44% of them would tell a friend if they had a poor experience purchasing online. Conversion gets hampered with low website load speed.

Source: https://www.websitemagazine.com/blog/5-reasons-visitors-leave-your-website

As you can see in the graph above, the conversion rate falls with increasing load time. The patience levels have really gone down among people of today. There may be various reasons for your website’s turtle speed, including too heavy images that are nor suitably optimized, inadequately powered hosting, and lot more.

There are various tools and methods to determine the exact reason for slow website speed.

#3 Your Website Ceased to be Part of the Competition

So, your rivals do not bother about you anymore, while they reap all the benefits that otherwise you would have been enjoying. Is that so? That’s certainly a cause of concern! The fading visibility from search engine results with dying social media buzz may drop you off from the competition.

To get your website back on tracks, you need to implement effective SEO strategies for better rankings and website competitiveness. The present-time websites respond to these SEO tactics better than the old ones, as the former offer some really good options for content organization.

#4 The Website is not Getting Enough Conversions

The inability of a website, to turn visitors to customers indicates an underperformance by the website itself. This happens when it does not have modern features, functionalities and takes more time to load.

People find it easier to leave or abandon such a page, rather than sticking to it and waiting to check out. They have enormous options and they would certainly opt for one!

Remember, people have numerous options, but you have none! A website that does not fetch enough conversions for your business is nothing but an ornate that just satisfies you for owning a space in the digital world, and nothing else!

Your website definitely needs to go through a revamping process, if it is not serving the sole purpose that it should.

Know about, 8 Tips for Web Design That Drive Sale!

#5 Poor Responsiveness on Mobiles and Tablets

With the advent of hand-held devices, it has become imperative for the websites to fit into all the screens. The mobile usability has become the third most crucial factor for Google rankings. It is reported that the responsive web design has improved the search engine rankings by 77.59%, with mobile conversion rate increasing by 15.19%.

If your website is lagging behind in this feature, you should not wait to get it revamped!

#6 Business Upgraded, But Not the Website

Expanding the business is a great thing, and if you are doing so, Congratulations!

But if your website does not carry or manage those new areas, it becomes very crucial to get the it redesigned. The website should be built upon a reliable platform that does not lose on its functional ability or lets the website go slow, no matter, how heavy the content may it get loaded with.

#7 The Website Lacks Videos

A picture is worth a thousand words. That’s true!

Owing to the growing significance of videos, let’s take this notion a step ahead, ‘A video is worth a thousand pictures!’

Yes, videos are a great branding material that are capable of laying enormous impact in the minds. Even Google understands that and comes up with videos on the first page of search results.

Statistics reveal that the significance of videos on a website, has increased tremendously.

Source: https://blog.apruve.com/8-types-of-blogs-to-increase-website-engagement-and-traffic

So, if you do not have this essential tool on your website, you ought to opt for good video production services and get some really nice videos uploaded on your website, for better engagements and conversions.

#8 Technical Errors & Inefficiencies

Sometimes the technical errors don’t show up immediately after the website is designed. But as the time passes, they lead to several insufficiencies leading to bad user experiences and higher bounce rate. And when the design turns outdated, it even gets a bad reputation, and a significantly dropped search engine ranking. By performing a technical audit of the website, these flaws can be detected, and website redesigning can be considered.

To bring it up rear,

If you could relate your website with any of these points, then it’s high time, you should avail professional website design services.  But before landing yourself on the action land, perform enough research about your website, pull out all the data and analyze it to be sure about the situation at present and all that you need to do, for a great future!

The website designers at Tarika Tech bring in their innovative ideas and skills to provide high-end website design and redesign services and create websites that represent creativity, functionality, and higher aesthetic appeal.

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