Table Of Content
Table Of Content
- Custom Solutions Vs. Off-the-Shelf Solutions
- Custom Solutions – A Vanguard or a Necessity?
- Custom Software Solutions – The Reliable Technology Support
- Simplify Business Model
- Meet Specific Business Requirements
- Enable Instant Reporting
- Process Integration
- Better Security
- Abiding Service
- Lower Hardware Cost
- Expansion & Growth
- Technical Support & Maintenance
Custom Solutions Vs. Off-the-Shelf Solutions
There has always been a debate over choosing from the custom and regular software.
At one point, where off-the-shelf solutions can be bought for a song and promise an easy installation, the custom solutions ensure to suit your business quickly, exactly the way you want. Off-the-shelf solutions may not be able to meet each and every need with various features staying unused, whereas custom solutions are designed and created according to the needs and so each and every feature plays a certain role. You may be required to spend extra bucks for a unique custom-crafted solution, owing to your specific needs, but that’s totally worth it.
Every business is unique and needs to break the mould to grow. Every organization is different with specific objectives, structure, management patterns, and requirements. No conventional solution can cater to multiple needs at any point of time. Despite the fact that thousands of off-the-shelf solutions are available in the market, yet organisations opt to get custom-crafted solutions according to their specific business needs, that help them grow.
Custom Solutions – A Vanguard or a Necessity?
For a sustainable growth in this highly competitive business world, custom solutions are not a cutting-edge option, but are already in trend. You can have them created as your personalised solutions so that they just fit-in according to your processes and you don’t have to move or change your processes according to the set ones. Instead of forcing you to mess up with your work to get them implemented, custom solutions, rather optimize your business flow. In fact, if you are starting a business, then considering a custom software can help you dig in deep in to the vision and requirements, to build a strong foundation for your business. But before that, you need to understand your goals and requirements and be able to present them.
Custom Software Solutions – The Reliable Technology Support
Custom software solutions are the most trusted technological solutions that add value to businesses by optimizing them according to their specific requirements and industry standards.
Simplify Business Model
The key ingredient required for any business to flourish is, efficiency. It allows businesses to not only meet their specific goals but also reach on an extra edge over their competitors. Efficiency is achieved when operational costs are reduced. A custom software automates business processes, reduces manual efforts and thus simplifies the entire business model, to enhance productivity.
Meet Specific Business Requirements
A custom software fulfils specific business requirements through implementation of latest technology. It simply improves the processes by meeting its specific requirements instead of changing it entirely. In case you opt for a regular software, you will be required to bring major shifts to your processes, to get it implemented.
Enable Instant Reporting
For transparency and smooth process flow, timely reporting plays a very crucial role. To be able to report well on time, it fetches a summarized report of all the data you need to use for reporting. For example, your custom software can help you access all the data associated with your various clients, which you can anytime use for preparing reports, without wasting eons digging into databases.
Process Integration
In an organisation, various processes that are run, may require various software solutions for upgradation and process improvement. A custom software integrates all these processes and gets you a complete integrated system for managing all of them. So, you won’t be required to align all the processes separately to control them.
Better Security
Losing crucial data can be a worst nightmare for any business owner, as it may lead to instant shutdown of everything. Therefore, data security stays on top priority for any business or organization and a forever cause of concern. A custom software solution serves meets this requirement very well by protecting all the business data from hackers, who find it difficult to steal any information stored in customized or company-specific setup.
Abiding Service
A custom software solution allows you to maintain it as long as you want while in case of off-the-shelf software solutions, the power of making this decision stays with the software vendor. You won’t have freedom to carry on with the same software, if in case the vendor stops services due to many reasons. You will have no option but switch to another option, which may be quite disrupting for entire process flow of your business.
Lower Hardware Cost
The tailored solutions are way cheaper than the regular ones and technology is no different from this fact. The custom software solutions are crafted according to the specific needs and this allows to avoid involving extra bunch of hardware that off-the-shelf software solutions come with. So, this saves the users lot of money as they get what they want without having to pay extra for what they really don’t require at all.
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Expansion & Growth
Custom software solutions are crafted according to the present state of business along with a vision towards growth. They are devised such that they can be maintained in accordance with the business growth. With off-the-shelf software, on the contrary, you will not be able to do so.
Technical Support & Maintenance
The tailor knows what he tailored and how to take care of it. With a custom software solution application, you can bank upon the reliable technical support for your business. The smart and efficient technical team with a complete know-how about the software it created, can anytime be called upon for resolving all the issues that come up at any point of time.
With a plethora of benefits that custom software solutions provide, it will definitely be the right decision to opt for it. Tarika Tech understands all the business requirements and creates coherent customised solutions within your budget. Our custom software solutions are efficient enough to get your business a significant boost!
The professional team of software developers at Tarika Tech creates custom strategies according to specific goals and requirements, and develops custom solutions for organizations to become more efficient and grow.