How Is Automation Going to Transform Software Development

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Considering what the Hofstadter’s Law states, software development is the process that goes beyond the timelines established for it. The rapidly growing demands of the changing times have got everyone on toes, be it in any industry. To stay on pace with the latest trends, they need to keep upgrading themselves every now and then. In a rush to adopt new technologies, the organizations keep creating new and latest versions of the software, only to give into the amount of time that the development consumes.

Speed Matters in Software Development, Why?

Speed Matters in Software Development

Speed kills, but with skills it thrills! Well, that doesn’t just go with the driving, but is also associated with software development. Owing to the extreme pressure that the developers face to develop high-end solutions and that to with agility, and enable the organization stay competitive and thriving, speed continues to stay a challenge for them. The businesses stay on a lookout for the novel solutions so that they can meet their growing demands. In such a scenario, the one who brings out the top versions without making a botch of anything, grabs the trophy!

While the companies deal with overcoming the gap between what they need and what they actually maintain, they realize that they are short of the coder manpower they need to match up with the growing speed of demands.

Software Development – A Hard Row to Hoe

Software Development – A Hard Row to Hoe

Think of the software development process, and flash before the eyes, the images of developers having their heads dug in their screens for hours. Yes, coding requires lot of time and energy as writing digital scripts is an extremely a tedious task. A lot of thought process is required in every single code due to a huge number of dependencies on it. Any error in a single line of code can impact the entire program.

Know about the Smart Methods for Value-Driven Software Development.

To test this single line of code, the entire program is required to be tested as no line of code is independent. It’s rather woven with the entire system. The entire application needs to be tested and this consumes painstakingly, a lot of time.

In 2019, a survey was conducted that revealed that 35% of the time of developers is spent in testing the software they develop.

Automation to Revolutionize the Development Process

Automation to Revolutionize the Development Process

In this digital age as the companies are trying to manage the ever-increasing workloads to compete better, they tend to put a major part of their load on developers’ shoulders. Now they need to shift this load to somewhere. Can you guess, where?

Of course, Automation!

Getting lot of labor-intensive part of coding in automation mode, is going to be the next in-thing in software development. Well, not every part of coding can be automated such as unit testing as it involves a lot of the human grey matter to check distinct minute parts of the code. It is just the repetitive parts of coding that can be automated, which usually eat up lot of the developer’s time.

The companies that are quite ambitious are realizing the shortfalls of their existing resources, and that’s a genuine concern. The recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and its promising role in every industry has made the business owners realize the need of the hour, and that is Automation.

Though for now, the mundane parts of software development will be automated, but the pace with which the technology is advancing, will certainly allow automating even the critical parts as well. This is surely going to revolutionize the software development process by propelling it.

With automation, the tests will be written exponentially faster. In fact, they will be far more understandable. Not only the developers’ time will be saved, but also the probability of errors will decrease considerably.

That’s How They Leverage the Power of Automation

That’s How They Leverage the Power of Automation

As the processes involving too much time and effort are automated, the companies will be giving a way to them which otherwise were kept in a limbo, finding them too labor-intensive, thus compromising on efficiency and productivity.

The evolution of coding process when new upgrades are introduced quite often, more issues come in the way. But most of the companies stay reluctant in starting it all over again owing to the tedious nature of coding which may take months. Without running the right software testing process, more bugs are encountered during the software upgrades, demanding time and effort to detect them and get them fixed. This calls for the need of automation in both development and QA part, every time an update happens, so that the functionality improves without any manual intervention and hiccups.

Therefore, more and more companies are adopting automation which integrates the new feature or update with the existing in no time.

Secondly, the automation leads the companies to undergo frequent software updates which improves their efficiency as often. The best part is that the developers and QA engineers get ample space and time to breathe and gather all their energies to invest in other critical processes. Their skills are put to the best use for more productivity, quality and innovation.

Automation to Cease the Fire Between Developers & Testers

Automation to Cease the Fire Between Developers & Testers

No matter, how far may this probability of errors goes down, the role of QA testing is forever to stay.

So the heat will be on between software developers and software testers, and will rather get more intense as the automation will allow the developers to roll out more products as quickly as never before, keeping the QA team on toes.

In the history of software development, there has always been an affray between the developers and QA engineers, as developers always try to crack the egg to bring the new thing out, thus stacking a lot for the QA team to work upon. While the QA team tries to hold all the pieces of the shell together so that they can do their part to the best of their satisfaction, and meet the customers’ expectations.

Despite the fact that they have the same goal to focus on, they do not realize this and tend to come to blows in terms of their respective roles.

Well, automation has a great role to play even here as it will be applicable even on QA testing as well.

Know about Software Testing – Key Differentiators Between Quality Assurance & Quality Control.

What the Future Holds for Software Development

What the Future Holds for Software Development

The future of software development is quite bright with automation taking the charge of every aspect of it. But before that, the company owners, CEOs and managing professionals should determine the areas in the development process that can be automated, such as redundant tasks. Keeping a tab on the technological advancements, the scope of automation shall be broadened along with all the bottlenecks encountered in the way.

The team of software developers at Tarika Tech stays well updated about the new innovations happening in the world of technology, that can be implemented for rolling out high-end products.

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