Top 20 Game Changing Digital Marketing Trends to Brace You Up for 2020!

Reading Time: 13 minutes

Gearing up for the new year calls for setting up goals, making resolutions and planning strategies about how to go about them. You may resolute about regulating your weight, patching up with your upset brother, you had differences with, giving your best performance to earn the promotion you could not make it this year, or even saving a good sum for buying a flat in that posh locality. Well, you may have your own priorities, based on which you plan your future. As a digital marketer, why not brace up for marketing the business digitally?There are many factors that run the digital marketing process, like – SEO, social media, PPC, web design, and a lot more. Big names like Facebook and Google, keep evolving with time by innovating their strategies and processes, thus keeping every business owner on their feet. As the digital marketing wheel always keeps spinning, you need to stay in pace with its trends, by getting updated time to time. This does not simply imply, that you need to keep looking for what others say; even you need to speculate and make your own strategies accordingly.You are also a part of this dynamic digital marketing world!

Let us speculate what’s digital marketing going to be like, in 2020!

Trend#1: Interactive & Engaging Content

People just love to interact!

Know what, 91% of buyers are already looking for more interactive content online!

Content marketing norms cannot be the same at all times, and keep on changing as trends.

In 2020, content marketing will focus upon what people want. People are interested in shoppable posts, videos, DIYs, quizzes, and polls which interact with them to engage. Visitors stay on the page, get engaged and share it further, which increases brand awareness!

Trend#2: AI Assistance in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence is already on the way to take over the entire marketing industry.

Today, 40% marketing and sales companies prioritize AI, finding it promising enough!

Artificial intelligence marketing leverages customer data to anticipate your customer’s next move and improve the customer journey. This is definitely the turning point in how the businesses will be managed now. Therefore, machine learning is getting significant than any other department in enterprises today.

The promises of AI for Digital Marketing are quite interesting to know!

Trend#3: Focus on Video Marketing

A picture says thousand times more than the text; while a video says thousand times more than a picture! A high-quality few-minute video can lay much more impact than a picture, especially the text, no matter, how comprehensive it may be. People desire more to watch, rather than read as it becomes much easier for them to comprehend a video.

96% buyers say that videos help them understand the product better, and thus buy it!

You can opt for smart video production services to have some good videos for video marketing.

Trend#4: Collaboration with Influencers

The brands are collaborating with social media influencers across channels to generate awareness, and influencer marketing is speedily growing from an ancillary marketing tactic to a $5-10billion dollar industry.

The word-of-mouth marketing focuses on involving key leaders as influencers to drive the brand’s message and promote the brand content to their followers, and larger market.

They inspire the audience in a much better way, which automatically raises brand awareness.

Trend#5: Shopping on Social Media

88% of social marketers say, it is important for their brands to provide customer service through social media.

Social Media is not just a place where people chit-chat with each other. Channels like Facebook, are often the go-to places for users who want to research a brand before deciding to engage with it. They discover products of their interest, connect with brands, products and services, and shop right away.

Trend#6: Voice Search

Voice search is already very popular among users, especially among younger users. It is expected that, by year 2020, almost 50% of all searches will be through voice only.

Smart speakers like Alexa and tools like Google Assistant have been instrumental in increasing the popularity of voice searches. So, it has become crucial for marketers to optimize their content to appear in voice searches and also to find new ways of using voice search as a marketing aid.

Trend#7: Immersive Technology for Visualization

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are on steep rise in the digital marketing world.

Imagine how the frame you want to buy, will look on your face. Well, you don’t need to imagine, you can see it now. Thanks to AR technology!

Companies are fast integrating AR in their mobile apps, as it gives the user a real life image of what their product or service would look like. It gives a clear and precise demonstration on how the product will look and used.

Trend#8: Chatbot Intervention

Chatbot marketing is on the fast rise in the world of marketing lately, as they are more interactive with a personal touch. Chatbots engage the visitors on the website and makes it effortless for them to make decisions, purchases, subscribe, etc. in the chat-window itself.

The conversion rates have dramatically increased due to user-friendly interaction that chatbots engage the users into. The constant improvement in how the chatbots interact is the reason chatbots are gaining impetus and will be one of the digital marketing essentials.

Trend#9: Smart Bidding in Google Ads

Google Ads is soon going to introduce smart bidding on their ads. The latest updates of Google Ads will introduce automation and smart bidding so that you can get maximum returns out of every conversion. The updates will optimize your bids better than ever and will give you the ability to choose conversion actions at the campaign level.

This is one digital marketing trend that many marketers will be looking forward to in 2020.

Trend#10: Private Messaging and Conversations

As of July 2019, 1.6 billion users were accessing the WhatsApp messenger on a monthly basis.

Private messaging has definitely become one of the core needs of many social media users. Messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat are giving their users more privacy, security and control over their conversations.

This also means that brands need to approach their audience in a more meaningful way while also ensuring their privacy on the web.

Trend#11: Micro-Moments

Sometimes, just one moment changes everything! Leave moment, a lot happens within fractions of moment. A thought enters your mind in a moment, and you grab your phone within a moment, ready to take a decision. The decisions are made on the basis of all the information that is found in the phone at that point of time. Considering the fact, it becomes imperative for you to present information, where people turn to – their phones. Showing your advertisement at the place, where your potential customer is looking for, definitely will make a difference!

Micro-moments are about being present as a significant resource, at the right place, at the right time, and definitely will be one of the leading factors of digital marketing plan.

Trend#12: Hyper-Targeted Advertising

It is quite natural for customers to go dumb with the bombardment of advertisements they are subjected to, through numerous means, on daily basis. They reach a saturation level, from where they stop even listening to those promises that seem fake to them and rather become irritating. In such a situation, hyper-targeted advertising will be inevitable for marketers in 2020, which involves combining very selective audience targeting, creating campaign based on proven methodologies, and picking the most effective set of digital media channels.

Trend#13: Next-Gen SEO

Change is the only constant!

The trends in SEO also keep changing with time. A lot new is happening in this industry, involving even the new search algorithms, which affects search results to a huge extent. Each algorithm gets along, its own share of benefits and issues. To help the next-gen users get specific results that answer their search suitably, it becomes extremely crucial for search engines to improve their results. The coming year is surely to see a dramatic improvement in the quality of search engine results.

Trend#14: Focus on Customer Retention

It takes a lot to get a new customer, but not much to retain the existing. Understanding this fact, it will be wiser to channelize your efforts to keep the existing lot happy. This not only helps in customer retention, but also aids in adding to the customer base, as the existing customers market your brand within their respective circles and further. With loyal customers, you can even expect to improve your services further, by providing you with their feedback time to time.

Trend#15: Planning Lifecycle Marketing

Lifecycle marketing refers to all that you do, to provide your audience as they move ahead from being prospects to your customers, and then from customers to loyal ones. This involves understanding the audience first and then converting them to customers, finally retaining them for a long-lasting relationship. One needs to keep adding value to the services provided to the customers.

Devising a customer lifecycle marketing plan requires creating a framework of – attract, sell, and ‘I want more’. Each phase is further fragmented into stages involving simple tactful steps that form an independent process, as a whole. All efforts will be meant to grow awareness, increasing customer base and customer retention.

Trend#16: New Forms of Native Advertising

Ever seen a kid being vaccinated?

It becomes quite a task handling a cranky and crying kid who fears the prick. Recently, the videos of kids being vaccinated had gone viral on social media. The clever doctor just plays with the kid, assuming his finger to be the airplane, zooming around everywhere, and suddenly he does the act, without letting the child get even a bit of the sensation; the child keeps laughing, and his job gets done!

Same goes for the audience as well, who get cranky at the mere sight of that old advert, these days. “No, not anymore! How irritating is this!” They would just go away! That’s where native advertising works really well. Its already the time when customers are reaching a saturation level beyond which, conventional advertising tactics won’t work. So native ads are what that’s going to get accepted by the people, as they won’t even realize they are subjected to an advertisement.

About 80% of marketers have wished to adopt native marketing tactics to promote their brand and increase engagement through native ads.

Native advertising, unlike display ads or banner ads, don’t even look like ads. They come up camouflaged with the ongoing theme of the page. These non-disruptive ads market well without letting the reader even realize that what they saw was an advert. They help at developing authenticity to the brand, and drive engagement. But what has transpired lately is, that the audience has started identifying the hidden advert and are now demanding transparency.

They may be interested to read about that wrestler of international fame, but not about the protein shake that is presented as the secret of success of the winner!

So, in 2020, new ways will be adopted for native advertising and to change the way it is conducted.

Let’s Discover The Digital Marketing Tree – Fruits Of Scope To Reap.

Trend#17: Community Marketing

With the advent of mobiles which keep every head dug deep down their screens, expressing their individual ideologies and mind-sets as lone entities, people have started craving for common spaces, where they could discuss shared interests, discuss, talk and build relationships. A sense of belonging to a community is still prevailing.

They like being part of all the conversation happening between like-minded people, in various social media groups, and online forums. A good marketer can leverage from this, by bringing together, all the people to build a complete community. It may not be as easy though, and therefore may require a lot of patience, understanding, and efforts towards being customer-oriented. In 2020, community marketing will surely help marketers to establish strong bonds with their customers, that is certainly going to payoff big to the brands.

Trend#18: Consumer Privacy

With a huge amount of data being shared by consumers, the marketers need to make sure that it stays safe and secure with them. The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have already stressed on the need of privacy to be considered by businesses while storing and maintaining all the crucial details about the customers.

Next year, the new privacy rules are sure to lead marketers to prioritize matters over others. They will emphasize on data collection by first party.

Trend#19: Customized Marketing

We are living in a world where every entity has its own identity. No two people can be absolutely same, not even the twins. They may have different likings, requirements, expectations, etc.; and so, everyone requires personalized sources that meet their needs.

According to Gartner, at the least 90% of digital marketers will start personalizing marketing services by 2020. Not only this, by 2021, it is expected that there will be a significant rise in personalized websites.

In the world of technology too, the personalization of solutions stays in demand – be it a software product or integration services. Next year is expected customized marketing services also, owing to different requirements and business goals of various brands. So, like personalized or custom software, which has already been prevalent, even marketing patterns will be personalized.

Know about how to Inspire Your Digital Marketing Strategies With Notable Statistics.

Trend#20: AI-Assisted Analytics

Data analytics in marketing is what that is growing in demand. Owing to the shortage of marketing analytics, data scientists and analysts are much in demand, to turn data into valuable and meaningful insights.

The enormous data needs to be used for analysis for an organization’s growth. So, data-driven marketing strategy will be planned, that will be assisted by Artificial Intelligence.

It can quite be interesting for marketers to learn about digital marketing trends that are expected in 2020, promising various opportunities to be unlocked. They may be more….keep anticipating!

Well, you cannot just anticipate about certain things all the time, especially when they are about the marketing strategies and growth of your business. To be certain about how to market your business well, you can rely upon the digital marketing team at Tarika Tech, that stays updated about latest digital marketing trends and techniques, and implement them to drive businesses to astounding growth.

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