The Corona pandemic has jolted the entire world, affecting various industries and sectors. The trends have been changing rapidly in all these sectors. The world of social media is also not untouched, and is witnessing sea changes in the trends. A lot new is getting curried in this social world owing to various changes in social media marketing trends. The social media marketers and brand influencers, who have been designing strategies to engage the audience, though a lot depends upon the industry-type. The travel and hotel industry have been hit really hard. In fact, the most interesting fact reveals that the brands belonging to the industries that are hit worst, have got more active in promoting themselves on social media, especially on Facebook and Instagram.
Among the social media channels, almost all of them, especially Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are riding on the plank taking an upward turn, creating even more buzz. The social media trends and statistics for business are changing considerably. The effects of social media trends will be seen on how the businesses will be carrying on their social activities.
According to eMarketer, there is a 70% increase in the usage of Facebook app, as people want to be entertained, connected, and stay informed while living in isolation, in their homes.
It is quite clear that Corona is going to stay, and so the changing trends.
Let’s uncloak some burning social media marketing trends today that you must be implementing by now!
Understand Your Audience’s State of Mind
This is the first step towards looking for sensible social media marketing services, which is the need of this hour. In normal times, you must not have really tried to understand your audience, except for their age, interest areas, and demographics. At this time, they surely must be feeling differently, being what they have not been earlier. You ought to know their present state of mind, their latest preferences which certainly must have changed, and so the same strategies may not really work upon them. The buyer inside them must have taken a back seat, and they rather be looking for something that simply engages them, as they maintain social distancing norms staying away from their friends.
Respond to their comments on your posts, interact with them as this is the time to not sell to them, but to build a nice relation with them.
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Get More Creative for Higher Engagements
You surely must have been quite creative with your posts and campaigns, but now is the time, you need to really take it to the next level. Yes, your audience is right there, spending much more time than ever, on understanding social media trends during pandemic, and applying them.
They may not be looking to purchase, but to engage in the posts that interest them.
Right from making Dalgona Coffee, and indulging into baking activities, to participating in online dance competitions, and what not, their preferences have been changing glacially.
They may be interested in what they may not have engaged before, and may even get in a mood to get deeper into what interests them. So, you ought to be more creative with your posts now, keeping aside your objective to market or sell your brand.
“Time is Money”
The notion can very well, be applied here as the engagement is also a kind of deal, wherein you buy the time of your audience!
Focus Least on ROI, More on Engagement Metrics
Till now, you must have focused on selling and ROI. But now is the time, when you need to shift your focus to other significant factors as people may not be really in a mood to buy. The factors to be considered should be the engagement rates including clicks received, likes, shares, comments, etc. The success of social media posts and campaigns should be measured by these metrics now, and not by how much you sell. With economy in distress, the purchasing capacity may her certainly gone down. You can utilize this time in building and strengthening relationship with your prospects and customers, respectively.
At least attain a position that places you on top of the resources for them, when they get ready to pick their wallets!
You never know, these simple activities may get you great insights for your future courses of action.
Revisit Past Campaigns & Improve
This is the time, also to go back to the past, and analyze your previous campaigns and other activities that may not have worked really well at that time. You can find out the pitfalls that led to their underperformance, and can improve on them, to implement them again. The best part about indulging into this activity is, that you get the frame ready, and just need to make changes in it; so, this saves a great deal of time and effort in creating a new one.
In fact, you will be measuring their success on new metrics, owing to the new objectives led by the present time. So, what you may have considered as failure at that time, may actually be the measure of success today.
Innovate Your Strategy with New Experiments
There might be many other things that you may not have understood or tried. This is the time to dig into them and come up some Eurekas for your strategy!
Social media platforms are loaded with numerous features, and most of the marketers tend to use just a part or even a fraction of them. Trying out the features, at least the ones which you think may work for you, can be great for you. You can also learn about your audience’s reaction to them.
Apart from this, you can create some nice videos and infographics, showcasing your products and service offerings, and can engage your audience. Videos also add credibility to the brand.
We create smart videos! To know about them, click here
The video may be a stop-motion video, may contain testimonials, be a parody, or even show how your product is made. You can also come up with DIYs using your product or tips, as that’s very much in trend today.
All these activities may not fetch you direct sales or customers, but by exploring new means, you can at least, open the gateway to new opportunities by the time the normalcy resumes.
Know about Promises of Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Social Media Marketing.
So that Concludes…
The present time is loaded with uncertainties, you never know what’s there in store next. But one thing is sure, and that indicates that the virus is here to stay and we need to learn to live with it. Right from considering your mask as an essential part of your attire, to following these new social media trends, we need to mould ourselves in every aspect, be it personal, emotional, and professional.
Social Media Marketing Services by Tarika Tech
Tarika Tech follows latest trends and techniques to provide social media marketing services to enhance the online business presence on social platforms. As the leading social media marketing agency, we keep a constant tab on the current scenario led by the pandemic, and create innovative strategies to utilize this time in developing unique brand identities.
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