Top 8 Reasons Why Should SMEs Should Switch Over to Cloud Solutions

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Cloud is what has made the scenarios pleasant for businesses, with the competitive advantage it renders to them, and that is why, more and more of them are adopting the technology.

A study by the International Data Group revealed that 69% of businesses have already implemented cloud technology in some or the other way. It is proven that the businesses that adopted this technology, experienced growth by 50% more than their rivals. As a result, more and more businesses are willing to leverage the benefits of cloud solutions so that they can add more value to their service offerings and thereby, can scale up their profit margins.  For large businesses, cloud solutions have already made a drastic difference.

What about small and medium businesses?

Well, the best part about cloud solutions is, that they can be easily adopted, requiring not much investment. They are not required to be purchased or integrated with high-end IT infrastructures, and that’s what makes them a lucrative resource for small businesses too.

Are you a small business looking to adopt cloud solutions, but are wondering if you should or not?

The weightage of its advantages seems to be far more than these emerging doubts. Still wondering?

Let’s dig-in through the topic to learn about some astounding facts regarding the extent to which cloud solutions are beneficial for SMEs.

#1 Digitalization of Processes

Digitalization of Processes

Digitalization of businesses, which is the need of this hour, has always posed a major challenge for them. But with cloud, this can be an easy sail. The functioning of any business is highly dependent upon the information that is made available to it. Especially for the businesses, that are operating worldwide, the information should be accessible at global level. With cloud technology, the data or information can be accessed through suitable user authentication, which allows the smooth process flow.

#2 Streamlined Workflow

Streamlined Workflow

For a smooth process and workflow, communication plays a very significant role. The simpler is the mode of communication, the minimum become the chances of errors. The cloud makes that possible with shared document management across various platforms, which allows simpler communication between employees and even with the client, as they can directly access the information and negotiate. So there remains no scope for any kind of confusion. Therefore, the businesses that are yet to adopt cloud technology are planning about doing so in near future.

#3 Infrastructure Scalability

Infrastructure Scalability

The cloud system is based upon virtual machine setup, which is not dependent upon the hardware or vice-versa. Simply the operating systems are installed involving hardware. The best part here is, the accessibility of virtual applications, without relying upon the hardware, as it rather can be automated as and whenever required. Just the software carries the capability to start virtual machines. By implementing this technology, the business organizations make sure, that the concerned employee can access the significant data whenever required. Simplified operations and acquisitions, and no maintenance measures are the factors that make cloud technology worthwhile to be adopted by SMEs.

#4 Decentralized Storage of Data & Applications

Decentralized Storage of Data & Applications

So you can operate from anywhere, any time. Yes, cloud computing allows all the data and applications to be decentralized.

Thanks to this technology that allowed the businesses to keep going with remote operations, even during the turbulent pandemic times. This has helped numerous organizations to overcome time-bound and location-bound limitations. No matter, where you travel and whatever you do, the amount of flexibility with cloud technology leads to better management of business operations, efficient processes, enhanced productivity and more custo9mer satisfaction. Irrespective of what the location be, the coordination among the colleagues becomes stronger.

#5 Cloud is Always Updated

Cloud is Always Updated

Change is the only constant, especially in software industry. The software solutions are regularly updated by the developers. The updated software applications require the hardware upgrading too, so that they can function efficiently. Well, this involves regular cost, and may be a concern for small organizations that cannot invest as much initially. Not to worry, the cloud helps them here too, as it always stays updated. The business organizations need not own even hardware, as they can rent it as well.

#6 Reduced Tax

Reduced Tax

Once the organizations move to the cloud, they don’t need to buy expensive hardware and software any further. They can get the hardware and software on rent, and therefore need not pay as much tax as they did earlier, owing to the reduced net income.

According to Petra Klingheim, account manager at, “In terms of tax, the costs can then be claimed directly when they are incurred – compared to fixed acquisitions that can be depreciated, but no longer have a tax-reducing effect after the agreed useful life.”

#7 Cloud for Big Data

Cloud for Big Data

Big data, the huge amount of data, unless is sorted, may not be that valuable. The value of this big data increases manifold when it is sorted and stored well. It is even considered as the ‘raw material for future’ However, the internal IT infrastructure may not be as efficient for storing it. In fact, evaluating and sorting out all this data require tremendous computing abilities along with safe yet accessible storage. In such situations, many organizations moved to cloud computing.

Unlike internal IT setup, the cloud very efficiently manages and stores all this data.

#8 Secure Use of Mobile Devices

Secure Use of Mobile Devices

The cloud technology allows all the safe use of mobile devices which refer to Internet of Things (IoT), and not just smartphones and tablets. So the exchange of data does not become the bottleneck. The cloud connects them all and unlocks numerous possibilities. To prevent damage to all the crucial data by potential attackers, the cloud technology requires double authentication. Also the applications are kept up-to-date always, as a responsibility of the service provider.

Of course, the security of all the data stays top on priority, being a top concern. Data protection is very essential, and so the sensitive information is transferred as encrypted data.

With so many advantages that come along with the cloud package, businesses are entering the cloud environment for better performance.

There are however, concerns arising out of companies buy more than what is actually needed, owing to the fact that it is unlimited. Even the migration local IT infrastructure to cloud may require adjustments in the entire system, such as training employees. The cloud’s ability to compute is dependent upon the bandwidth power which at times, may go down and obstruct the productivity.

The cloud environment may even be subjected to more cyber-crimes, and therefore security becomes a big concern. Overcoming these concerns, the cloud is fast becoming an asset for corporate IT, by replacing the conventional IT infrastructure.

As a strong process-oriented company, Tarika Tech provides expert consultancy services in Cloud Solutions apart from Advisory Services, Enterprise Architecture, and Cloud Solutions, to support small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

If you are a small business looing to widen your horizon by shifting to cloud solutions, we can certainly guide you through.

To know more, click here.

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