Top 9 Tried & Tested Lead Magnet Ideas for Your Business!

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Generating leads can be the toughest job as for that you need to convince people, and convincing people is a hard roe to row these days. For that you need them to share some information about them, while the reality says that no one wishes to share their personal information, especially when they are not offered any benefits in return. Is it happening with you?

Are you finding it difficult to convince people, in a one-sided conversation every time? Well, it’s a common dilemma for most of the advertisers today, as the online customers usually hide or mute such advertisements, considering them to be trap. Even upon a mere sight of an advertisement, they stop doing what they have been doing for quite long. They may be using an online service for a considerable amount of time, finding it useful, but if they are asked to subscribe to this ‘useful service,’ they simply dump it or give up. But you don’t need to give up, as there are lot many lead magnet ideas that you can implement for generating leads.

Lead Magnet? What’s That?

‘Lead Magnet’ refers to the method that attracts leads, by means of extracting valuable information about the prospects in exchange of some lucrative offers. The offering may be anything like an e-book, guide, trial period, product sample, service, a discount, or any bargain deal. Yes, you got it right! It’s like bribing the customer to subscribe.

Once, the visitor accepts your offering, you have earned them as your precious subscriber!

You can even present unique offerings by innovative ways, it’s up to you!

So, lead magnets serve as the mini versions of your offerings, and the complete image of your brand rests upon them. They definitely help you to attract prospects, who may later, turn out to be your customers. They are like tools that you can use for attracting and engaging the prospect customers, and offer value to them. Not only this, they add authority to the brand by presenting you as an expert in what you create and offer.

Let’s find out some really great examples of lead magnets that can help you grab great leads.

Magnet #1: A Presentable Content Preparation

A Presentable Content Preparation

Content is what you can convince or influence anyone with, and can probably be your first offering to your prospects, especially when it is presented with value. It can be anything like – e-books, DIYs, how-to guides, research reports, whitepapers, case studies, etc.

Apart from this, it can even be in the form of videos, visuals, and infographics. You can integrate these in your website or social media pages, or allow them to pop-up on these pages with appropriate CTAs.

Magnet #2: Conduct Contests & the Participants Will Follow

Conduct Contests & the Participants Will Follow

Contests mean Giveaways in the end! For most of us, it is a fun-filled opportunity to win freebies. Well, that may not be the case for everyone. For some, it is about proving themselves on the challenge they receive from others. As a marketing agency, you can offer consultation package or a free audit report of their websites. It can be about anything, of course relevant to the audience, which they can easily relate with.

For example, you ask them about how would they like to set their business marketing goals, and implement their strategies for the same in 2020; the idea that comes out to be the best in polls, will receive the giveaways.

Magnet #3: Special Discount Coupons & Offers

Special Discount Coupons

Ever ignored a free coupon or discount offer? Chances are pretty rare, as nobody likes to miss freebies. Well these are the cherries on top of the cake, that everyone wishes to gobble. You can certainly create some really nice offers, to earn information about them. Of course, you will require attractive CTAs through enticing designs, smart CTAs, and all that will make your offer look inevitable to accept.

You can recall some really nice offers by Mailchimp, that you must have availed.

Magnet #4: Free Trial Offers, Better than Ads

Free Trial Offers, Better than Ads

These days, the consumers have become quite smart. No matter, how cleverly you create ads, they can smell the marketing sauce within the layers of the content, and lose interest instantly. Today, being gaga over your own offering, fails to convince as it’s like beating about the bush, and nothing else. That’s when free trials come into play. The trials are a great source of generating trust, as the offering sells itself. Convincing the consumers on the basis of their own satisfaction, is what trial offers are meant for.

The best part about trial offers is that when they are offered the consumers get habitual of them after the trial period is over, they automatically look for the means to continue the use of product or service offering. For example, Smule the popular singing app offers trial period of seven days first, and once the aspiring singers find it useful for showcasing their singing talent, collecting accolades, they get ready to pay for the continued service.

Magnet #5: Inviting Them to Your Virtual Events

Inviting Them to Your Virtual Events

Organizing gatherings, that too on virtual platform, allows you to widen your scope of reach immensely. The events can be anything like, conferences, webinars, discussions, podcasts and live forums, for the people to participate or even join as the audience. Well, there has to be some price designated for them to pay, and that’s their email addresses or contact numbers, which they will be requested to submit before entering the event.

For example, there are various sources presenting information on virtual Digital Marketing events like conferences, summits, that are conducted almost every month. To get the heads up on these events regularly, the visitors are requested to submit their email addresses.

Magnet #6: Widgets to Catch Attention & Offer

Widgets to Catch Attention

To offer the prospect customers, some experience of the service, widgets are integrated as tools in your website landing pages. All that is required from prospects is, their contact information like, valid email addresses, phone numbers, or any other important information, which otherwise, would have been hard to obtain.

These customizable widgets can be the sign-up forms for free audits, reports, etc. Once the user signs up, they receive these freebies through emails, and in return get you their important information that you must have been looking for. The widgets are so easy to manage that you can anytime, edit or change the names of title headings, CTA buttons, and make them attractive by changing their colors and designs.

You can also choose to add the ‘Talk to’ or ‘Call back’ buttons in your widgets. They can be excellent for those who are really in search of the resources, and find you as one for them with quick and convenient establishment of communication.

Magnet #7: Involving the Gamer Inside the Prospect

Involving the Gamer Inside the Prospect

Well, this can be the most interesting and entertaining way of involving or engaging the prospective customers, and to attract leads. Irrespective of their age, gender or cadre in society as well as profession, this method works on one and all! Almost everyone likes to try the interesting challenge and that’s what engages them to your activity.

It conveniently and in fact, automatically allows you to grab the key information from them, which they don’t mind sharing. Not just gaming, the guess games, quizzes and similar interesting engagements can be the best idea for you, serving as lead magnets. You can make this more entertaining by promising your participants, the results through personalized emails. They would love to know, how they performed!

Furthermore, you can customize a ‘welcome’ email crafted according to their answers recorded or submitted in response to your quizzes. Yes, this can be a great way to understand them, their behavior, their psychology, attitude, thinking, and expectations.

Magnet #8: Conducting Surveys Requiring their Valuable Opinions

Conducting Surveys Requiring their Valuable Opinions

This is seemingly the most legitimate method of attracting people, owing to the fact that it uses the people’s opinions only, to draw conclusions. Call it a survey or a research, you ought to integrate a smart and arresting CTA that makes your prospects to come up with their opinions on the matter. Of course, you will be registering all that in the report generated, afterwards. Make sure, to provide them with the report, they must be waiting for.

For example, to speculate about the state of open source testing tools in coming years, you can conduct a survey and encourage the users to express their opinions in exchange of their contact details, which you will be sharing in the resultant report of the survey conducted.

Magnet #9: Online Live Demonstration of the Service or Product Offering

Online Live Demonstration of the Service or Product Offering

The digital world is thriving on various factors, one of which is live interaction! In fact, in a couple of years, these live videos are really trending like anything. Whether it is a live post on social media or a webinar, it is all set to take over the digital world.

To showcase your intricate and unique product or service offering, live demos can be great for those impatient souls who don’t feel like hopping within words written in the manuals, and that’s absolutely common and normal!

Through ‘Request a live demo’ with a quick CTA, you can enrol them for the live demo or webinar. Select a convenient application, perfect time and date that suit them, and connect with them, you will find them curious and waiting to engage with you. In case you find it difficult to set a particular day and time, you can offer personalized demo as solutions to their problems. Who doesn’t like to see their problems getting solved or grab interesting life-easing tips? They will certainly be interested in you, and that’s when you can register important details about them.

You can showcase them the value you offer with your offerings, being industry expert or specialist in your domain, and this will allow you to build a smart brand image.

Remember, sharing live knowledge is the most valuable resource for people!

Great Leads are Great Deals!

Being clear and honest about your messages is most crucial while presenting your offerings, as that’s what the audience expects from you, which is why are consider you over the advertisements. So, allow them to develop trust in you, by being a source of assurance for them. Also, make sure to not deceive anyone, but provide the useful information for them, so that they can be converted, and be attracted to your further offerings.

Including lead magnet as a part of your branding strategy is a smart amendment, but only if you do it right. An engaging lead magnet carries the power to transform a business.

Tarika Tech offers expert digital marketing services and assists B2B & B2C marketers in creating smart lead magnets that can play assets for them by attracting leads. Know more…

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