Why Your Business Needs Custom Logo Design For Success

Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a logo? Of course you first try to associate it with a brand. For instance, when you see the fluid check mark shaped design logo, you know that it is ‘Nike’ even if the brand name is not spelled out for you. And Nike is not alone, Microsoft, Apple, Coco Chanel and many such giants are simply recognized by their logo alone. Now imagine the scenario where they do not have a logo – how much of a difference would that make? Or what if they did not go all in to create something unique but simply whipped up something through an algorithm by a computer? Can you imagine a Nike shoe without its logo or a changed one?

That is what this blog will explore – why your business, or any business needs a custom logo design.

What is a logo? It can be defined as a symbol made up of text and images with the sole purpose of identifying a business. A logo may seem small in size but carries huge implications with it. It is more than a few colors and symbols thrown together in a mix. It needs to have meaning and is a direct reflection of what your core business is about. For instance, the Nike logo represents speed, motion as well as fluidity that connects every emotion associated with winning. And over the years, the custom Nike logo has evolved and is popularly referred to as “the swoosh”.

Are you wondering if you should invest in creating a custom logo design for your business? Here are some of the benefits to having a custom logo design.

#1 Gives You a Unique Identity

Gives You a Unique Identity

Every business is unique. And therefore, you need a logo that sets you apart from the rest of your competitors. If you have a logo that is designed by the computer, it may not be able to do you justice. A good well-designed logo gives you the edge over your competition as users are more likely to choose you if they see a good logo.

A custom logo design will help you garner the attention from your target audience. The idea of a custom logo design is to make your business look better than others so that users choose you over your competition.

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#2 More Control Over Your Logo

When you go for a custom logo design, you have better control over the design and the associated files. What looks good in a small size must look good on every other paraphernalia including billboards. As part of your brand marketing efforts, you would want to put your logo on business cards, pens, caps and other objects. And to do that, you need to have better access to your logo design. That is only possible if you go for custom logo design as you will be able to get all the files.

When you have complete control, you can manipulate the resolution, color, size of your logo according to where you want it to be displayed. This will ensure that your logo looks the best at all times no matter where it is posted.

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#3 Follow Trends

Follow Trends

There are a zillion things you can do when you have complete control over your logo design. You can change the logo design to reflect the current times and catch on with the latest trends. For example, when Apple launched a new store, it changed its logo which used helixes in different colors to wrap the apple shape. In another occasion, when Apple launched the colored iMac, it dressed up its iconic logos in those colors. Albeit temporary, this made a huge impact on the minds of its audience.

When you have a custom designed logo, you have the flexibility to create interesting advertising campaigns around it that helps to grab the attention of your audience.

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#4 A Logo for the Future

A logo is forever – well, if not forever, then for a considerably long time. To start with, you do not want to change your logo again and again as it is how customers will begin to recognize you. Imagine if Gucci changed its logo to something different than what it is today. It would be like moving to another house without giving out a forwarding address.

It does not mean that you can never ever change your logo. Most of the iconic logos we know today have evolved with time. But they have not become something that looks completely different from their original designs. They have simply metamorphosed into their more updated avatars. Therefore, when you design your logo, you do it for the next 5, 10 or 20 years. That means, you need to be relevant for that long as well. This is another reason why you need to go for a custom design logo for your business.

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#5 Not Just Made for You

Not Just Made for You

Your business logo is not just for you alone! It needs to attract and intrigue your target audience in the best way possible. And for that you need to know and understand your target audience. Once you have the data on demographics and preferences of your audience, you will be able to better gauge the kind of logo that will appease your target audience. For instance, if your business is mostly about cosmetics, you can create a logo that appeals to women who use most of the makeup products.


A custom logo design is necessary if you want to create an impactful symbol for your business. While small businesses often shy away from investing in custom logo designs, they need to understand that the logo is the starting point of interaction with your customers. Therefore, it needs to be appealing and possess all the factors that attracts audiences. Custom logo design helps you to have more control over your logo design files which is advantageous when it comes to customizing the logo for promotional purposes.

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